Apr 6, 2010

Ten on Tuesday - 10 Magazines You Love

Magazines are sneaky suckers. They grab you when you're at the checkout counter and suddenly you just have to take them home. Then, before you know it, you're picking up the same magazine every month and it seems like you'd save a bit of money by subscribing. And on it goes until you find yourself receiving more magazines each month than you can possibly read.

Or is that just me?

Anyway, here is my list of 10 Favorite Magazines:
  1. People - This is truly my guilty pleasure. I've been a subscriber since about 1989 and I'm currently renewed through late in 2012. That's just nuts! I can't believe I'm admitting this.
  2. Cooking Light - This balances number one a bit. They have some really great stuff in here.
  3. Real Simple - All that practicle advice in one nice, neat package. Sadly I had to let this one go because I couldn't keep up.
  4. Interweave Knits - They have the best patterns in here. Innovative and interesting.
  5. Vogue Knitting - This is fantasy knitting. I find that a lot of it is stuff that I'd knit if .... if I was thinner, if I was younger, if I was more daring, if only. Occasionally there's something that says knit me now but it's more about fun and inspiration.
  6. Knitters - This is a mixed bag of a magazine but in a different way. On one hand there is a lot in here that is weird or boring, but on the other, I've made quite a few patterns from this one too. It's also the first knit mag I started reading.
  7. Smithsonian - I always feel guilty that I don't read this one cover to cover but I feel smarter having it around. know what I mean?
  8. Martha Stewart Living - I don't get this with any regularity but I pick it up all the time. Love her or hate her - the woman knows her stuff.
  9. Washingtonian - Great local stuff.
  10. Spin Off - because I like to pretend that I do more than just look at my wheels. So sad.
Every post ought to have a picture or 2 to pretty things up or make you smile. I think that this one fits into the latter category. It's Stinkette on the beach in Boca Raton. She was digging in the sand but it looks like she's just to tired to go on.

Digging in the sand is tiring


  1. I'm with you on 1,2,4 &10.

  2. I look at many of those magazines before I catalog them. There are some definite benefits to being at the public library!

  3. You got me with number ten on your list. Someday, right?

    I love that photo.


So what do you think?