Jun 14, 2010

Waving Goodbye to Middle School

DSC_0563DQ's school is a secondary school that goes from 7-12th grade so there really isn't a middle school graduation. In fact there's very little difference between this, her last year as a middle schooler and next year, which will be her freshman year in high school. Different teachers, different locker, different wing of the school but that's about it.

The biggest thing they do to mark the passage is 8th grade day which was last friday. All day long the 8th graders played games and hung out instead of attending class and that night there was a dance to cap it all off. Here is DQ all dressed up and ready to go. I think she looked fabulous in her new dress.

Of course getting her ready for the dance was half the fun. This dress was one of 10 that I bought during lunch last Monday and shlepped home from the city for her to try on. That's what happens when you realize less than a week before the event that you still don't have a dress and, even worse, that you have no time to go look for one. In the end we kept 3 of them so DQ will be ready for anything and look damn good doing it. Of course I'm horribly biased and I think she's amazing all the time.


  1. She has grown up so quickly. You're a great mom and you deserve to feel proud of her.

  2. She looks great! You're a good mom for buying the dresses that way.

  3. She rocks that dress! Sounds like a great way to mark an important growing-up transition.


So what do you think?