Sep 15, 2010

Google It?

Look what came in the mail on Monday!


I am so happy to have my very own copy now. I lost track of the overdue fines that I've paid to my local library for their copy. It's new and expanded too. Woot!

The weird thing is that there were directions to my house from Google taped to the back. Am I alone in feeling a wee bit worried that the company that Amazon used to deliver my book had to Google my address? For those of you who haven't visited yet, you should know that my house is extremely easy to find. WTF!


  1. Lucky you! Can't wait to see what patterns you knit.

  2. Everyone uses reason not to. The company knows their driver won't get lost and waste time.
    I just calculated how many miles I walked this morning with Google. It's all encompassing.

  3. I'd be pissed too. I know someone who was notified that it was arriving USPS. I wonder why it was different for you? Congrats on the book btw.

  4. I'm beginning to think I need that book!


So what do you think?