Oct 22, 2010

ECF - Atop the Palisades Cliffs Edition

Just before my recent vacation we did a Ten on Tuesday list of ways to have fun on a roadtrip. Afew of the things on the list weren't possible this time since I was driving but I followed as many as I could - including stopping at a scenic over look or 2.


The State Line scenic overlook is situated at the highest point of the Palisades Cliffs and looks out over the Hudson. Isn't that a view worth stopping for?


  1. Very cool! That's the very spot you see on Wikipedia when googled. Your photo is much nicer! Is that the GW Bridge in the distance? I lived in Fort Lee, NJ back in the mid-80's.

  2. Gorgeous! Definitely worth the stop :-) Thanks for sharing it!


So what do you think?