Oct 4, 2010

Two Days - Two Uniforms

Oh, the things we do for our children. We get up and out of the house before dawn on a perfectly good Sunday when we ought to be sleeping in. We sit out in the blazing hot sun and the chill of early fall. We devote whole weekends to softball tournaments.

And we enjoy most of it. The cold - not so much.


The theme for this tournament was Playing for a Cure so all the teams got decked out in pink. Some more than others. We added pink numbers to the players helmets - see Stinkerbelle's "8"? The girls also wore pink shoelaces and pink ribbons in their hair. My girl has never, ever, work ribbons in her hair. Ever! But she did so last weekend and she proudly wore it to school again today. So cute.


Since Stinkerbelle's team is fairly new we really didn't expect much but out girls really rose to the occasion. They lost the first game in a heartbreaker that proves that it isn't over until it's over - no matter how far ahead you are. The second game is best not discussed.

Happily, aside from the cold, gloom and the early hour, the games on Sunday were better. We won the first game convincingly and the second went into overtime. That game went on and on and on as more and more people gathered to watch. When it finally ended in a win for our girls we cheeered so hard. It was one of the most exciting sporting events I've been to in a long time.


I didn't get much housework or errands done but I'm perfectly fine with that. I did get a bit of knitting done. Even without the knitting it was great to see my girl doing something she loves so much.

1 comment:

  1. Getting up that early on a Sunday is a real testimony to what a great mom you are!


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