Well, it seems so hard to believe but this is the last day of January. So what do I have to show for it? Sadly, not much. Startitis is in evidence but finishitis - not so much.
It's not the fault of any of these knits that they are growing at such a slow pace. This picture shows the start of a Lady Eleanor Shawl that I really, really want to wear, barely a toe of a pair of socks that I can't wait to give my grandfather, and a hat that DQ really needs. I know that they'll all be winners, all make me very happy, and all be used... if I ever finish them.
And let's not ever mention the potholder that is already weeks overdue and is on it's third frogging. Ugh!
This January has been my least productive ever as a knitter. I finished nothing at all. NOTHING! I didn't even get close. I really hope that this isn't representative of the year ahead. I couldn't stand it!
So what did I do when I was not knitting? I caught up on my shows. I had a lovely time with my girls. We even played a little Apples to Apples on Saturday night. I had brunch with friends on Sunday. I enjoyed it all and it's all in keeping with my current plan to remain stress-free for the next 5 months. I'd just be happier if I was able to focus on my knitting again.
You've got a lot on your plate, Hill, it's okay to cut yourself some slack.