Apr 18, 2011

Layers and Phases

I can cross one more thing off my lengthy to-do list. We finally bought couches. We ventured out in the torrential rain on Saturday and were rewarded by finding exactly what we were looking for at the first store we stopped at. We had previously been to many, many, other stores and were beginnig to question whether the perfect (for us) couch even existed. Yay! It does and it will arrive well in advance of the Peanut. I am so relieved! Now we just need some pretty pillows and other little details and my space will start coming together. I can also move on to other home related projects - like the super nasty kitchen. But all in good time. One by one it all gets done.


Another thing that is done is my cherry blossom tree's bloom. Sadly, it turns out that I was wrong and those few flowers I showed a while back were the extent of it. Maybe it was the weather that caused fewer blossoms. I don't know. It's not that the tree is in poor health. It's the green leafy one in the foreground of this picture. You can still see a few random flowers here and there and it's very leafy with nice, shiny bark. Behind Yoshi, you can see some white spots. That's the dogwood. It is blooming like crazy. Below are some dogwood flowers that weren't quite fully opened yet.


By the way, the yellow blur is the sign for the play that starts at the High School in just 2 weeks. Once again my girl is running the house so please behave as you're taking your seat. If you're in the area you should definitely go see it. They're doing the Wizard of Oz and there will be monkeys and witches flying. Yes, flying! So cool!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for new couches! You'll post pics when you get them, right?


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