Oct 21, 2011

ECF - Occupy DC Edition

This is what I saw when I arrived at work yesterday. Apparently the folks in the park got creative over night. The park police were not amused. They took it down super fast.

That got me thinking that there is a lot to look at in the park. It's not just tents. So I'm sharing some of the stuff that I found amusing. Whether you agree or disagree with them, they sure are interesting to watch.

Occupy McPherson Square has an identity.

A new twist on the DC license plates.
Occupy Mcpherson - TAKEOVR

What would Ghandi think of all this?
Occupy McPherson - Soul Power

And, finally, this is for Carole. Yes, they have a library here too.
Occupy McPherson - Library


  1. I can't decide which I like more: the Guy Fawkes mask or the library.

  2. Yay for libraries! Thanks for taking that photo for me.


So what do you think?