Jan 31, 2012

Ten on Tuesday - Ten Favorite Super Bowl Foods

Is it really time for the Super Bowl already? Yay! I am not a huge fan of football so I love the Superbowl because it means that another season is over. No more delays in my Sunday night tv lineup.

The othe reason that I love the Superbowl is that we often watch with good friends and snacks - lots of snacks. Yum! Here are 10 of my favorites.
  1. Pigs in blankets - truthfully these are great at any party.
  2. Little knishes - they go really well with #1
  3. Chips and salsa
  4. Baby carrots and other veggies with dip, any dip
  5. Beer battered tempura veggies - perhaps with a teriyaki dipping sauce
  6. Whatever PW is making - have you seen her show? OMG yum!
  7. Fried zucchini - but probably not this year 'cuz we had some last night
  8. Chicken fingers - I'm not big on wings but I love fingers
  9. Chili would be good too - a nice bowls of chili all dressed up.
  10. Chocolate chip cookies - for dessert of course
What are your favorites?

1 comment:

  1. Anything Pioneer Woman makes is good! Great list, have fun snacking and watching.


So what do you think?