Sep 7, 2012

Last Gasp of Summer

As we end the first week of school it seems like it's now or never for the vacation pictures I promised a while back.  Family stuff - fun & not so fun - ate most of my vacation time this year so our vacation was limited to a long weekend in Williamsburg.  It rained but we made the most of it and i think it was actually quite successful. Here it is in pictures.

Marissa's first amusement park ride! IMG_0416[1]

Celebrating the milestone with her big sisters. IMG_0419[1]

Loving the carousel

In Colonial Williamsburg with Miss M IMG_0454[1]

Proof of family fun

Let's hope that I get to write my next post on my new laptop!


  1. Great photos - you all look happy and healthy!

  2. Great photos! Boy, M certainly looks like her dad!


So what do you think?