Oct 15, 2012

Fall is for Families

This weekend we did something we haven't done in ages.  We went to the pumpkin patch. It was quite the accomplishment and required us to coordinate and clear our schedules for the day weeks ago. Crazy, right? Thankfully, the day we chose so long ago turned out to be gorgeous.  It was clear and just cool enough to feel like fall.


We started in the corn maze.  It was super corny and so much fun.


Then Marissa woke up from her nap and we all went on a hayride.  She looks unhappy here but trust me, she wasn't.  She played with hay and went from one lap to the other.  She loved it.


Then we moved on to the slides.  While my older girls went on the really big slide, Miss M went on this one with Bruce and she enjoyed it very much but...


then she found this little one in the kiddie area.  It was just her size and she went on it over and over and over again.  She loved it.


At the end of the day we got pumpkins and ate cider and kettle corn and went to bed happy and thoroughly worn out.  It was a great day!


  1. That looks like it was fun! Miss M is getting big FAST. Wonder what it is about slides that kids love. Speed? Imagined danger?


So what do you think?