Oct 9, 2012

Ten on Tuesday - Ten Things I Did this Weekend

The topic today is stuff we did this weekend.  What a great topic for the end of a weekend that was extra long.  For me, it was extra full too.

  1. Voted - I'll be out of town on Election Day so I cast my absentee ballot since every vote counts in a battleground state.
  2. Said Kaddish for my dad - it's unbelievable that it's been 5 years since my dad's untimely passing.
  3. Watched Stinkerbelle play softball - they lost more games than they won but its a young team and they'll get better.  
  4. Trim my shrubs - long, long, overdue.
  5. Took Stinkette and her friend out to dinner (along with her friend's parents) to celebrate an unexpected win for their softball team.
  6. Shopped - groceries, clothes and a new lens for my camera. Yay!
  7. Went out for an impromptu dinner with good friends - why is it so much easier to do stuff at the last minute?
  8. Went to the dentist - no cavities for me or Stinkette.  Yay! DQ was less fortunate.
  9. Went back to the grocery store to get Pumpkin Pie yogurt -it was sold out when we went the day before.  That stuff is soooooo good.
  10. Knit!
Here is a picture of DQ and Miss M at the government center on Saturday where we ran into our congressman on the way out of the building.


So what were the highlights of your weekend?


  1. Sounds like a pretty great weekend. What's your new lens?

  2. Knitting is always good on the weekend!

  3. A new lens? You can't just leave me hanging! What did you get?

  4. Congrats to Stinkerbelle and her team! It's always fun to have a win, especially an unexpected one.


So what do you think?