Jan 10, 2013

2012 Recap

Usually a person considers the past year before setting goals for the one to come but there's really no reason why it can't be done in the reverse. It's especially true since there was so much going on this year.  Some of it was well covered like the major home renovation we did.


I think I also covered Stinkerbelle's Bat Mitzvah.  It was a wonderful day and it made me so proud.


But, in a year when I only posted 79 times - that's about 1.5 per week - there was a lot that I never got around to blogging about.  One of those things was the big interfaith service that the Girl Scouts held at the National Cathedral where DQ was one of the featured speakers.  It was part of the centennial celebration and it made me so proud that she was invited to contribute and that she did so beautifully.

The speaker

And let's not forget Miss M's first Birthday.  What a day it was!  I turned out to be the day we got back in our completed home.  It was also the day the big derecho hit our area, knocking out power and felling trees all over.

Birthday Girl

As with any year it was not all high notes.  Last February we celebrated my grandparents 70th anniversary with a party that my sister and I insisted on.  I'm so glad that we did because we lost my grandmother in October.  It was the end of one of the best love stories ever.


If all that wasn't enough, two other events altered life as we know it forever.  DQ got her driver's license and I got reading glasses.  I guess we're both getting older.

And now I'm looking forward to the new year.  You never know what it may bring.

1 comment:

  1. You had a BIG year! I hope 2013 is calm but fun!


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