Jan 17, 2013

Oh Yes.... Progress Reports

I'm taking a quick break from sharing the recently finished objects to do a little progress report. I kind of forgot about them for a while. I guess that returning to blogging is a bit of a process.

The first one is the oldest of the bunch.  This is the back and 2 fromts of a sweater I'm making for my cousin's baby.  He's 1.  I'm way behind so I'm making a size for a 2-3 year old because goodness knows when I'll finally complete and deliver it.  I love both the yarn and the pattern and, happily, I love them together too.


This is the cowl I'm making for DQ. There was some confusion over the holidays when someone sent gifts without names on them. Stinkette opened a package containing a really nice cowl and both she and DQ instantly believed that it was meant for them. It turns out that Stinky was correct. So I'm making a cowl for DQ. This is my television knitting - mostly mindless.


The last currently active project is represented by this ball of yarn. It's actually hollow because the 2 ends leading from it both lead to socks that are about half finished. I can't show them to you because they're the Through The Loops Mystery Socks for this year.


There is another project that is semi-active and even more that are WIP's waiting in the wings for a little love but I'll wait until they are once again making progress to post about them.


  1. I love a good progress report. I need to knit the heels on my Mystery Socks and then I'll be caught up with this week's clue.

  2. I am really enjoying the TTL Mystery Socks also. I am a little behind though.


So what do you think?