Jan 7, 2013

Weekend One

The first weekend of the year is in the books and I truly don't know what to think.  If this is the weekend that sets the tone for the rest of the year I may be in trouble.  I'm not sure I did a damn thing.


I didn't do much laundry or straightening up.  I started it way too late in the weekend.  I still haven't hung all the pictures that are waiting patiently for new homes.  Didn't cook much.  Didn't read much either.  Didn't find a solution to the problem with my crochet problem.

I did go shopping with Stinkette.  I also went yarn shopping alone (can I get a woot!).  I spent some quality time with Miss M as she once again tore apart my house and layered on as many clothes as she could.

I knit a wee bit.  Actually, I knit more than a little bit.

Actually, it wasn't a bad start to the year at all.

1 comment:

  1. There's nothing wrong with a weekend of nothingness. Especially if it includes yarn shopping and knitting!


So what do you think?