Mar 7, 2013

At Long Last - Snow!

But only a little bit. We didn't get anywhere near the 8 inches to a foot that they threatened us with.  We got about 2-3 inches before it started drizzling.


The snow was super wet which is really good for making snowballs but no good for anything else. Miss M was not really sure what to make of it.  She came, she saw, she was ready to go back inside and drink homemade hot chocolate. Yum!


I enjoyed watching the snow fall and I really needed the rest that it provided.  Now I'm just as happy to see it go and go it will.  The forecast for the next few days will be in the 40's and 50's.  Spring is certainly on the way.


  1. It's snowing here right now and has been all day but it hasn't amounted to much yet. Homemade hot chocolate is the best part about a snow day!

  2. I'm so jealous! In the District, "dusting" would be a generous description at the height of our accumulation (which was about 9 a.m.).


So what do you think?