This was Miss M last year at Passover.
Here she is this year.
She is wise to the matzah. She is counting the minutes until the holiday ends. No, wait, that's me!
Anyway, this year was interesting because it was the first time we're doing Passover in the new kitchen. We're learning a lot for next year. Mostly, the issues are organizational. It's also the first time that I've done a Seder in about 3 years. Way too long. I feel like I lost my touch.
Notes from this year's Seder:
The yummy Carrots with Almonds that nobody got to eat because I forgot them in the microwave. I didn't remember that they were there until 24 hours later.
I got no Charoset (ceremonial and delicious mixture of apples, walnuts and wine). Next year I need to make sure that someone is populating my plate while I am in the kitchen.
I need to find the box with my Seder plate. It's missing since the construction. Other things are missing too but this is a big one.
Brisket is good. It also cleans up well and re-heats well. Win!
I'm sure that there is more that I'm forgetting but this is a good start. Those damn carrots are still killing me.
My grandmother was famous for forgetting something in the kitchen whenever we'd go to her house for dinner. We'd be all done with the meal and she'd go back in the kitchen and there would be the green beans or carrots or whatever just sitting on the stove. Sorry about your carrots! And I love the comparison of Miss M from last year to this year. She's as adorable as ever but definitely not as excited about the matzo!