Jan 3, 2014

ECF - St Thomas Edition

It's Eye Candy Friday and normally I'd just post a picture or two and call it good but this one demands a wee bit of comment because it's full of pictures from our recent family vacation to St Thomas. We hadn't gone on a real family vacation in quite a while and this was the very first one as a family of 5. It was glorious!

Mostly, this vacation was about family time so there was a lot of hanging out on the beach.

But we did get a little adventurous. Bruce and Stinkette went parasailing.

DQ and I went scuba diving

Even Miss M got to go on a paddle boat.

And we all enjoyed many gorgeous sunsets... with a little island rum.

It was fabulous but it was over way too soon.  Time to start planning the next one.


  1. You sure know where to go and how to have a good time! You'll have the wonderful memories to keep you warm this winter.

  2. Looks and sounds fabulous!


So what do you think?