Mar 11, 2014

A Sock Model is Born

Yesterday the sun was shining and the air was fresh and, most importantly, one of my daughters was available for a little photo shoot. So I grabbed my camera and two pairs of finished socks and we went out to take a few pictures.

Miss M came with us. Initially she was happy riding around on her tricycle and playing with her ball. But then she noticed what Stink and I were doing and that there was a CAMERA involved.  Woohoo! A CAMERA! And just like that - her shoes and socks were off.

Then I had 2 girls getting silly outside in my hand knit socks. Of course they fit one of them better than the other but that will change. Most importantly, I got a few nice pictures and we laughed a lot.


  1. New socks are good but laughing is even better!

  2. So precious and sweet!

    Linda in VA


So what do you think?