I was totally prepared to spend the weekend feeling sad because I wasn't at Rhinebeck but, as it turned out, I was sick so it wouldn't have been any fun anyway. Surprisingly, spending a weekend being sick made me feel much less sorry for myself than just missing Rhinbeck due to circumstances. No self-pity, just lots of much-needed rest.
Instead of the planned errands I sat on the couch all Saturday while the family plied me with tea. I can't remember when I've ever drank so much tea in my life! Aside from the coughing, sniffling and general icky feeling, it was a wonderful quiet day spent relaxing with the family, catching up on shows and, of course, knitting.
Here's the current state of things. I'm nearing the end of the third (out of 4) ball of Noro for the scarf. I just love that project. It's such a nice counterpoint to the other guy scarf I'm working on. I'd show it to you but last night I ripped it out again because I still wasn't happy with the combination of pattern and yarn. Now I'm trying yet another pattern and I am hopeful that it'll be a winner.
The baby sweater needs one more sleeve and then I can start the finish work on it. I'll need to tack down the picot edges and knit the edging on. I love the color and the pattern but I think it might need a little something to puch it up. As I knit along on it I'm wondering if a contrast edge might work. I could tie it in nicely with a little embroidery or crochet detail around the top of the lace. What do you think? White might be nice but perhaps ecru or rose would work better. I'm also puzzling on the closure. My feelings on buttons are well documented but the simple tie called for in the pattern isn't grabbing me either. I'll have to see what my Nicky Epstein books have to offer. Any ideas?
Ooo, I like the idea of contrast edging with a bit of embroidery above the lace. Sounds like a great plan (says the woman who doesn't much care for embroidery).