Oct 17, 2008

My DC - Week 34

Oh I am such a dork. I just realized that I forgot to upload the pictures that I took last Friday. thankfully I have a little something in reserve but last Friday was sooooo cool. I am just dying to share it. Oh well.

This is the Warner Theatre. I used to work right next door to this building and I just love it. It's gorgeous inside and out. The piece on the corner reminds me of a crown for some reason.

I saw the Nutcracker here with the Girl Scouts and one year my old firm held their annual "State of the Firm" address here. Yes, it was very cool.

I just want to take a moment and thank you all for your response to My DC Fridays. I've received a number of comments telling me how much people enjoy it and I always try to respond if I can. Sadly, I don't always have your emails so I can't always tell you directly how much I appreciate your comments. Please know that the encouragement does make a difference and very often that's what inspires me to hike the city with my camera looking for cool stuff to share.



  1. I have to tell you - I was not expecting the building to be that tall or have that kind of structure based on its crown. It was like an architectural surprise!

  2. I love the Warner. I've seen JT and Brian Wilson there, as well as a touring version of the Broadway hit Contact. Definitely a great space, although crazy crowded during intermission...


So what do you think?