Apr 30, 2009

Ten on Any Day

This week's topic was 10 Words People Would Use to Describe You.
  1. Mother
  2. Daughter
  3. Friend
  4. Baker (I love to bake and it really makes me happy that I've developed a rep for making good stuff)
  5. Knitter
  6. Librarian
  7. Creative
  8. Nuts (I get that a lot when I agree to take on another project or responsibility)
  9. Scary (my daughter says that's why she doesn't step too far out of line)
  10. Fun (I forgive my daughter for calling me scary because she also says I'm fun and young)

This wasn't nearly as difficult as I thought it would be.

Dogwoods - 4/30/09


  1. Great list but I just can't picture you as scary!

  2. Can you tell me please, what kind of tree is that pictured?


So what do you think?