May 1, 2009

ECF - Pink Dogwood Edition

Yesterday I posted a picture of the Dogwood tree in my yard. Today I offer a shot of my neighbors Pink Dogwood tree. I covet this tree. I am not a pink girl but there is something about pink dogwood flowers that are just so delightful.

Pink Dogwood
This weekend is Maryland Sheep & Wool and, since I don't melt, I will be there rain or shine. It will be a totally different MDS&W for me for many reasons. Not the least of which is that I really don't have a shopping list this year. Nothing at all that I must get. That won't stop me from getting stuff but hopefully it'll keep the spending down. Maybe.
Have a great weekend - I will.


  1. Beautiful! Have a fun time at MDSW!

  2. Have a great time!

  3. That tree is gorgeous. Have fun this weekend!

  4. I love dogwood trees. But like you, even though I'm not big on pink, I really love the pink dogwoods.


So what do you think?