Feb 18, 2010

Ravelympic Update

Earlier this week I hit a small bump in the road to a finished pair of gloves. I was just a bit beyond the thumb divide when I stopped to admire my work and noticed an error. It wasn't puckering or a misread of the chart. Nooooooo I missed something dead simple - two rows of plain, one color stockinette. I felt so silly.


I frogged back a few rows and it's all good now. I'm knitting and having fun and, by rights I should be done by now except that I'm restricting myself to working on these while watching the Olympics and who can concentrate on knitting when you're watching such cool stuff? Did you see Shaun White, the Flying Tomato? He is simply amazing. He makes it look so effortless and beautiful. And did you see Lindsey Vonn skiing? What about Apolo Ohno's qualifying skate when he overtook that guy at the last minute? Or Shani Davis winning his race? Go USA! Is it any wonder my knitting pace has slowed? I'm busy cheeering.

By the way, in that picture is the second mitten just before I went to bed last night along with my mitten knitting gear. I got a magnetic guide thingy to keep track of the chart and my yarns are being held in an awesome bag that was made by my friend Jessalu. Isn't it cute? I could use a bunch more for to hold all my projects. Jessalu is celebrating her Blogiversary today with a contest so go on over and wish her a happy one and you can tell her I sent you. Who knows, you might win a bag too!


  1. Thank you for the linky and the compliments!! I'm so glad you love your bag. :o) Good luck! xo

  2. Love that mitten and you know I love JessaLu's bags, too!

  3. I agree, it's hard to get knitting AND Olympic watching done at the same time.


So what do you think?