Feb 17, 2010

Swapping Potholders Again

A few weeks ago I mentioned that I was feeling the pull of crochet again. For a few weeks I carried around my hooks and yarn and crocheted at odd moments. Below is the result and the one thing that is clear is that I am so rusty!


The purple one was the first one and, although it probably looks the least wonky, it's the one that I screwed up. I was doing one of the stitches wrong throughout. On the other 2 I got the stitches correct but I think that I was having tension issues because they are seriously wonky. Perhaps blucking would help but I think it's just about practicing. As with anything you need to get the feel of a thing and then it flows.

Happily I have a reason to practice my crochet a lot more because the Potholder Swap is back. You can check out the Rav group or see what everyone is making on flickr. I can't wait to start testing patterns. I think I may need to get more yarn too. I'm pretty excited because last year I got 2 crochet books, Beyond the Square Crochet Motifs by Edie Eckman and 200 Crochet Blocks by Jan Eaton. There are so many pretty patterns to try in those two.

Count me in!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could crochet like that! I need to learn to do it in the round, I bought books last year and everything but I just haven't done it yet. What yarn do you like to use?


So what do you think?