Mar 15, 2010

The Monday After

Is it me or are Monday's even harder when you've had a long weekend? Throw in the whole Spring Forward thing and a ton of rain and this is one miserable day.

I had a few use it or lose it days and I took them last Thursday and Friday. Mostly because I needed a bit of quiet time and partly because I was hosting the cast party for DQ's Middle School Musical on Friday night. Those things always make me nuts but the party turned out to be a huge success and I am soooooo relieved. I'd hate to be the parent who threw a dud.


Aside from the party there was a visit to the dentist and, for balance, a visit to a new-ish yarn store. Fibre Space is a great addition to the area. I walked in and found a really welcoming space full of gorgeous color, arranged - and labeled - really clearly. Ya gotta love that. There was a lot of familiar yarn and a few that were new to me like Shokay, Queensland Kathmandu, and a local indy dyer - Dragonfly Fibers. Of course I brought home a few.

Now I'm back to work and looking forward to next weekend. It'll be a great one because Bruce's cousin is going to be on Undercover Boss and we're all really excited about that. We are going to laugh our way through a week of promos for the episode featuring cousin Michael.


  1. You are such a good mom for hosting the cast party! I always say no when Hannah asks about stuff like that. Love the cake. And you are so right about this Monday being rough!

  2. You are doing okay, for all that time off, then having to hit reality hard.

    Undercover boss...that looks like a really interesting show.


So what do you think?