Mar 16, 2010

Ten on Tuesday - 10 Ways to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

Today Carole suggested that we list 10 Ways to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Although I love greeen and I really do like St Patricks day celebrations I'm not sure how far I'll get on this list. I don't drink beer and it's unlikely that, with our crazy household schedule, we can fit in much celebrating at all.


1. Wear Green - This I can certainly do. I'm thinking of a green sweater and green
socks for sure.
2. Cast on for something new in green - I'm hoping to finish the current socks OTN today and the next yarn has plenty of green in it.
3. Eat Entenmanns Cupcakes - I am a total sucker for their holiday cupcakes. Yum!
4. Walk over to the White House and see if the Obama's tinted the fountain green again this year.
5. Remember to set up the Leprechaun trap with Stinkette. She pretends that she's serious about it but I think it's just an excuse to get me to give her a treat.
6. Remember to make sure the leprechaun leaves a treat. ;)
7. Eat corned beef maybe - I'll see if I'm in the mood.

That's it. That's all I've got. Seven. How will you celebrate the day?

1 comment:

  1. If you see the green fountain I hope you will take a photo!


So what do you think?