Feb 10, 2011

Beachy Interlude

As I mentioned yesterday, we managed to have a ittle fun in the sun in Florida. On Monday we went to see Bruce's aunt... at her beachside apartment. We talked about all that is going on and enjoyed the beach a little.

I thought I'd share the beach part with you starting with the view from the apartment.


Of course we got a bit closer too. Look at those waves! DQ really wanted to jump in.


Sadly we didn't get to go in and frolic in the waves because there were creatures hiding in there.


Portuguese Man O' War!

Portuguese Man O' War

Not good swimming buddies but very cool to look at.


Manise said...

Yes very beautiful to look at from a distance on the shore. We used to get those occasionally in Greece.

Carole Knits said...

I've heard of them but never actually seen them. Sea pests seem to be a big thing in Florida.

margene said...

All I can see is the blue of the water. So beautiful, so peaceful....I'm ignoring the danger. The PMoW is very cool looking!

JessaLu said...

Cool! Scary but cool!

LeAnn said...

I've never seen one of these before. Cool, but scary at the same time.