Jan 24, 2012

Ten on Tuesday - Ten Movies I Want to See Right Now

Marissa was helping Lindsey do her homework last night. By helping I mean crumpling the sheets of algebra into messy little blobs. She had a blast and her sister enjoyed watching her as long as there was no paper tearing or paper eating going on. This baby is so lucky to have such a patient big sister.

Anyway, I have seen more movies than usual recently. I really don't know why. You would think that with the changes in my household it would be quite the opposite. I can't even begin to speculate over the reason. I do know that there are still quite a few movies that I want to see. Some of them are already in my possession on DVD and some are still in the theatres. Sadly, possession doesn't really make it any more likely that I'll see them.

So what do I want to see? Here, as always, is my list:
  1. The Descendants - this just looks good to me and, of course, it's got George Clooney in it.
  2. Moneyball - yes, it's about baseball but it still looks good.
  3. Crazy, Sexy, Love - we've got it on DVD. It sounds really good but possession means I can put it off indefinitely
  4. Horrible Bosses - ditto
  5. Our Idiot Brother - it looked good but mostly I just like Paul Rudd
  6. The Wrestler - Mickey Rourke and Marisa Tomei
  7. The Conspirator - I heard a whole program discussing this story and it was really fascinating
  8. 127 Hours - 2 words... James Franco.
  9. Blue Valentine -I love a good drama
  10. 50/50 - did you see the cast on Anderson? I did and I've got to see this movie.


Carole Knits said...

The Wrestler is very good even if it's about a subject I'm not crazy about. 127 Hours didn't do much for me but other people really liked it.

Kristi aka Fiber Fool said...

Ooo, you definitely hit upon a few that slipped my mind! Great list!

Patty said...

Crazy Sexy Love very fun and funny. Great movie. The lists have given me the task of lining up some serious movie time!

Merry Karma said...

I've seen all on your list except The Conspirator and Horrible Bosses. Of the others, I think The Descendants and Money Ball were the better movies. 127 Hours was very intense.