Jun 8, 2007

ECF - Beaded Edition

You have no idea how many versions of this picture I took before I got one that I was happy with.


I love beads and I have a nifty little collection of them. I love all of the different sizes and shapes. The sparkly crystals, the cracked glass, and the bright colors really catch my eye. Unfortunately, someone dropped the container where I store my beads recently and they got all mixed up so I've been quite busy re-sorting them. It's not really as bad as it sounds because we're getting reacquainted and it's not a moment too soon. I think that one of my upcoming shawl projects will include beads. I have the pattern but I need to finish spinning the yarn before I know if it will work.

Have a great weekend!


Carole Knits said...

That's a terrific photo but I'd hate having to sort and separate all those beads.

Kristi aka Fiber Fool said...

What a great photo! I've become a bit of a bead slut as well. Just last week I learned a new skill...

Carol said...

Wow looks like fun! I love getting re-acquainted with the crafts stock in the house. Your garden is going to be a knockout!